Wednesday, August 11, 2010

FLASH: Swapping Depths with AS3.0

Hello! Welcome to the first of many tutorials to this blog. Bare with me on the first few guys until I get the hang of posting and develop a decent format for these things. Until then; however, I will posting code snippets reviewing them and then posting a link to the final working SWF file on my website.

So lets get started! As you may know ActionScript2.0 supported the method swapDepths(); however, this functionality is not available is ActionScript3.0. I am going to show you how to write a simple script that will execute such functionality for AS3.0. In this demo we will be using the click of a mouse to swap the depths of two specified MovieClips. We will also build it so that it is reuse-able for other projects.

To start this project you will need an AS3.0 FLA file with two MovieClips on the stage. Name one of the "square" and the other one "circle". Now position them so that they are slightly overlapping one another like this:

(All of the code I will be reviewing and posting now and in the future will be in an OOP format)

So first of lets create a simple Class; Its should look like this:

//CODE: start

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;

public class Main extends MovieClip{

public function Main(){
//CODE: end

The first three lines are for our compiler directives. This tell flash what classes we are using to execute this script and where to find them.

Next we create our Class "Main" and the constructor function.

So next we need to add an initializer for the class, and the event listeners that we will be using. It should look like this:

//CODE: start
public function Main(){

private function initializer():void{
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
//CODE: end

So in the constructor function "Main" we call our "initalizer" function which adds a listener to the stage. This listener looks for the click of the mouse. So now every time the user clicks the mouse the function "onClick" will be fired.

Next we need to add the "onClick" function and the function for swapping depths.
It should look like this:

//CODE: start
private function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void{
swapDepths(square, circle);

private function swapDepths(object1:MovieClip, object2:MovieClip){
var index1:Number = getChildIndex(object1);
var index2:Number = getChildIndex(object2);

setChildIndex(object1, index2);
setChildIndex(object2, index1);
//CODE: end

So what have we done here? The first function fires every time the user clicks the mouse. When the mouse is clicked it will call our "swapDepth" function.

The second function is our swap depths function. This function looks at two MovieClips and swaps their depths on the stage.

swapDepth(object1:MovieClip, object2:MovieClip):void

The two parameters to this method are the MovieClips that we wish to swap. and the return type is listed as void because we are not returning a value.

Lets break down the last function:

First we create two local variables to store the indexes or"depths" of the passed in MovieClips.

var index1:Number = getChildIndex(object1);
var index2:Number = getChildIndex(object2);

Next we make use of the setChildIndex() method in flash. This method has two parameters the first is a DisplayObject or in this case our MovieClip and the second is the desired index or "depth" in which the first parameter is to be drawn to. So we simple take the previously stored index values and then take each Object and set it's index value to the other one.

setChildIndex(object1, index2);
setChildIndex(object2, index1);

So now when the mouse is clicked on the stage the two MovieClips with swap depths.

So lets take a look at the code in full:

//CODE: start

* This script swaps the depths of two specified MovieClips
* Author: Nick Dolce

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;

public class Main extends MovieClip{

public function Main(){

private function initializer():void{
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

private function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void{
swapDepths(square, circle);

private function swapDepths(object1:MovieClip, object2:MovieClip){
var index1:Number = getChildIndex(object1);
var index2:Number = getChildIndex(object2);

setChildIndex(object1, index2);
setChildIndex(object2, index1);
//CODE: end

Here is a link to the final working SWF: DEMO LINK

This is my first post so like I said earlier they will get better as a format and structure falls into place. In he mean time bare with me. I am open to any suggestions and feedback! If you have questions or suggestions for future tutorials please comment or email me at:

Thank you, have a great day!


  1. am I correct in assuming that two movieclips cannot have the same index in the display list? If that is true, when you call setChildIndex(object1, index2), what happens to the index of object2 before you make your second call to setChildIndex?

  2. Ah good question! When you call the setChildIndex() method to set a MovieClip's index to a position that is already taken the indexes that are affected are the ones between the DisplayObjects current and new index. All other indexes will stay the same. Now if the objects new index is lower than its current one all other affected indexes are increased by 1. If the objects new index is higher than its current one then all affected indexes are decreased by 1.
